Saturday 13 February 2016


Everyone wants to increase his followers list and wants to be famous on Facebook because If you have more followers then you will have more likes on your posts and your posts will be on everyone's Facebook News Feed who have followed you .You can add up to five thousand friends on Facebook .After five thousand friends ,the people who will send you friend requests will be automatically added to your followers list and the pending requests will be added too or someone directly follows you.No one gets that much friend request unless you are a celebrity, Politician etc. So how will you increase your followers list without being a celebrity , Politician etc. In this Tutorial , you will know how to  increase on  Followers in a very short time .There are many ways by which you can increase your followers list .Here are some of them .

Follow for Follow 

Follow for Follow is a kind of trading ,if you follow me i will follow you back .There are many groups on Facebook which you can use for follow for follow trading .You can search them on Facebook .Groups will have thousand of members looking for followers .you just need to do a post in the group like "Follow for Follow" and you will followed by many users of that group .In order to make the trading business successful you need to follow them back .Otherwise they will unfollow you and the group member will think that this guy is deceiving us and no one will follow you in that group .So you need to follow them back quickly .You can unfollow them in the future if you want but in the beginning of this business you should keep following them .This way you can reach your followers to a huge number without any hard work . 

Following the Followers List of other People 

This is best and the simplest way of increasing your followers in my suggestion.In this method a Followers list is created by Followers Business Gurus and people are added to it .Before adding anyone to the list they are ask to follow the list .Once they follow the list and are added to the list they will get the followers equal to the number of the people following that specific list .For Example if a list have 10000 followers and members ,if you follow that list and you are added to the list by List Creator then you will have 10000 followers in a day or two whom are following that list.Look how easy is this method ,you just have to wait a little and be patient .

This is the secret behind having huge Followers .I hope it may help you in someway.

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